The structure of a log message
The following sections describe the structure of log messages. Currently there are two standard syslog message formats:
The old standard described in RFC 3164 (also called the BSD-syslog or the legacy-syslog protocol): see BSD-syslog or legacy-syslog messages
The new standard described in RFC 5424 (also called the IETF-syslog protocol): see IETF-syslog messages
The Enterprise-wide message model or EWMM allows you to deliver structured messages between AxoSyslog nodes: see Enterprise-wide message model (EWMM)
How messages are represented in AxoSyslog: see Message representation in AxoSylog.
Last modified February 27, 2025: Merge pull request #110 from axoflow/strptime-formatting-fix (2f838bd)