To set a field of the message to a specific value, you have to:
- define the string to include in the message, and
- select the field where it should be included.
You can set the type of the field. Where you can use of templates in
, you can use type-casting, and the type information is properly promoted. For details, see Specifying data types in value-pairs.
You can set the value of available macros, for example, HOST, MESSAGE, PROGRAM, or any user-defined macros created using parsers (for details, see parser: Parse and segment structured messages and db-parser: Process message content with a pattern database (patterndb)). Note that the rewrite operation completely replaces any previous value of that field.
Use the following syntax:
rewrite <name_of_the_rule> {
set("<string to include>", value(<field name>));
Example: Setting message fields to a particular value
The following example sets the HOST field of the message to myhost
rewrite r_rewrite_set{
set("myhost", value("HOST"));
The following example appends the “suffix” string to the MESSAGE field:
rewrite r_rewrite_set{
set("$MESSAGE suffix", value("MESSAGE"));
For details on rewriting SDATA fields, see Creating custom SDATA fields.
You can also use the following options in rewrite rules that use the set()
rewrite <name_of_the_rule> {
set("<string to include>", value(<field name>), on-error("fallback-to-string");
and facility
fields can only be set by the set-severity()
rewrite functions. For more information, see Setting severity with the set-severity() rewrite function.