Filter functions

The following functions may be used in the filter statement, as described in Filters.

Filter functions available in AxoSyslog

Name Description
facility() Filter messages based on the sending facility.
filter() Call another filter function.
host() Filter messages based on the sending host.
in-list() File-based whitelisting and blacklisting.
level() or priority() Filter messages based on their priority.
match() Use a regular expression to filter messages based on a specified header or content field.
message() Use a regular expression to filter messages based on their content.
netmask() or netmask6() Filter messages based on the IP address of the sending host.
program() Filter messages based on the sending application.
rate-limit() Limits messages rate based on arbitrary keys in each message.
source() Select messages of the specified AxoSyslog source statement.
tags() Select messages having the specified tag.