Python LogMessage API

The LogMessage API allows you to create LogMessage objects in Python sources, parse syslog messages, and set the various fields of the log message.

LogMessage() method: Create log message objects

You can use the LogMessage() method to create a structured log message instance. For example:

   from syslogng import LogMessage
    msg = LogMessage() # Initialize an empty message with default values (recvd timestamp, rcptid, hostid, ...)
    msg = LogMessage("string or bytes-like object") # Initialize a message and set its ${MESSAGE} field to the specified argument

You can also explicitly set the different values of the log message. For example:

   msg["MESSAGE"] = "message"
    msg["HOST"] = "hostname"

You can set certain special field (timestamp, priority) by using specific methods.

Note the following points when creating a log message:

  • When setting the hostname, AxoSyslog takes the following hostname-related options of the configuration into account: chain-hostnames(), keep-hostname(), use-dns(), and use-fqdn().

  • Python sources ignore the log-msg-size() option.

  • The AxoSyslog application accepts only one message from every LogSource::post_message() or fetch() call, batching is currently not supported. If your Python code accepts batches of messages, you must pass them to AxoSyslog one-by-one. Similarly, if you need to split messages in the source, you must do so in your Python code, and pass the messages separately.

  • Do not reuse or store LogMessage objects after posting (calling post_message()) or returning the message from fetch().

parse() method: Parse syslog messages

The parse() method allows you to parse incoming messages as syslog messages. By default, the parse() method attempts to parse the message as an IETF-syslog (RFC5424) log message. If that fails, it parses the log message as a BSD-syslog (RFC3164) log message. Note that AxoSyslog takes the parsing-related options of the configuration into account: flags(), keep-hostname(), recv-time-zone().

If keep-hostname() is set to no, AxoSyslog ignores the hostname set in the message, and uses the IP address of the AxoSyslog host as the hostname (to use the hostname instead of the IP address, set the use-dns() or use-fqdn() options in the Python source).

   msg_ietf = LogMessage.parse('<165>1 2003-10-11T22:14:15.003Z evntslog - ID47 [exampleSDID@32473 iut="3" eventSource="Application" eventID="1011"] An application event log entry', self.parse_options)
    msg_bsd = LogMessage.parse('<34>Oct 11 22:14:15 mymachine su: \'su root\' failed for lonvick on /dev/pts/8', self.parse_options)

set_pri() method

You can set the priority of the message with the set_pri() method.


set_timestamp() method

You can use the set_timestamp() method to set the date and time of the log message.

   timestamp = datetime.fromisoformat("2018-09-11T14:49:02.100+02:00")
    msg.set_timestamp(timestamp) # datetime object, includes timezone information

In Python 2, timezone information cannot be attached to the datetime instance without using an external library. The AxoSyslog represents naive datetime objects in UTC.

In Python 3, naive and timezone-aware datetime objects are both supported.