FilterX function reference

FilterX is an experimental feature currently under development. Feedback is most welcome on Discord and GitHub.

Available in AxoSyslog 4.8.1 and later.

This page describes the functions you can use in FilterX blocks.

Functions have arguments that can be either mandatory or optional.

  • Mandatory options are always positional, so you need to pass them in the correct order. You cannot set them in the arg=value format.
  • Optional arguments are always named, like arg=value. You can pass optional arguments in any order.


Load the contents of an external JSON file in an efficient manner. You can use this function to lookup contextual information. (Basically, this is a FilterX-specific implementation of the add-contextual-data() functionality.)

Usage: cache_json_file("/path/to/file.json")

For example, if your context-info-db.json file contains the following:

  "nginx": "web",
  "httpd": "web",
  "apache": "web",
  "mysql": "db",
  "postgresql": "db"

Then the following FilterX expression selects only “web” traffic:

filterx {
  declare known_apps = cache_json_file("/context-info-db.json");
  ${app} = known_apps[${PROGRAM}] ?? "unknown";
  ${app} == "web";  # drop everything that's not a web server log


Cast a value into a datetime variable.

Usage: datetime(<string or expression to cast as datetime>)

For example:

date = datetime("1701350398.123000+01:00");

Usually, you use the strptime FilterX function to create datetime values. Alternatively, you can cast an integer, double, string, or isodate variable into datetime with the datetime() FilterX function. Note that:

  • When casting from an integer, the integer is the number of microseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970).
  • When casting from a double, the double is the number of seconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970). (The part before the floating points is the seconds, the part after the floating point is the microseconds.)
  • When casting from a string, the string (for example, 1701350398.123000+01:00) is interpreted as: <the number of seconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch>.<microseconds>+<timezone relative to UTC (GMT +00:00)>


Deduplicate metrics_labels objects. For details, see metrics_labels.


Available in AxoSyslog 4.9 and later.

Returns true if the input string ends with the specified substring. By default, matches are case sensitive. Usage:

endswith(input-string, substring);
endswith(input-string, [substring_1, substring_2], ignorecase=true);

For details, see String search in FilterX.


Flattens the nested elements of an object using the specified separator, similarly to the format-flat-json() template function. For example, you can use it to flatten nested JSON objects in the output if the receiving application cannot handle nested JSON objects.

Usage: flatten(dict_or_list, separator=".")

You can use multi-character separators, for example, =>. If you omit the separator, the default dot (.) separator is used.

sample-dict = json({"a": {"b": {"c": "1"}}});
${MESSAGE} = flatten(sample-dict);

The value of ${MESSAGE} will be: {"a.b.c": "1"}


Formats a dictionary or a list into a comma-separated string.

Usage: format_csv(<input-list-or-dict>, columns=<json-list>, delimiter=<delimiter-character>, default_value=<string>)

Only the input is mandatory, other arguments are optional. Note that the delimiter must be a single character.

By default, the delimiter is the comma (delimiter=","), the columns and default_value are empty.

If the columns option is set, AxoSyslog checks that the number of fields or entries in the input data matches the number of columns. If there are fewer items, it adds the default_value to the missing entries.


Formats a dictionary into a string containing key=value pairs.

Usage: format_kv(kvs_dict, value_separator="<separator-character>", pair_separator="<separator-string>")

By default, format_kv uses = to separate values, and , (comma and space) to separate the pairs:

filterx {
    ${MESSAGE} = format_kv(<input-dictionary>);

The value_separator option must be a single character, the pair_separator can be a string. For example, to use the colon (:) as the value separator and the semicolon (;) as the pair separator, use:

format_kv(<input-dictionary>, value_separator=":", pair_separator=";")


Formats any value into a raw JSON string.

Usage: format_json($data)


See Handle SDATA in RFC5424 log records.


See Handle SDATA in RFC5424 log records.


Available in AxoSyslog 4.9 and later.

Returns true if the input string contains the specified substring. By default, matches are case sensitive. Usage:

includes(input-string, substring);
includes(input-string, [substring_1, substring_2], ignorecase=true);

For details, see String search in FilterX.


Parses a string as a date in ISODATE format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z


See Handle SDATA in RFC5424 log records.


Returns true if the argument exists and its value is not empty or null.

Usage: isset(<name of a variable, macro, or name-value pair>)

If you want to assign a value to a variable if it’s not set, use the =?? operator.


Returns true if the object (first argument) has the specified type (second argument). The type must be a quoted string. (See List of type names.)

Usage: istype(object, "type_str")

For example:

obj = json();
istype(obj, "json_object"); # True

istype(${PID}, "string");
istype(my-local-json-object.mylist, "json_array");

If the object doesn’t exist, istype() returns with an error, causing the FilterX statement to become false, and logs an error message to the internal() source of AxoSyslog.


Cast a value into a JSON object.

Usage: json(<string or expression to cast to json>)

For example:

js_dict = json({"key": "value"});

Starting with version 4.9, you can use {} without the json() keyword as well. For example, the following creates an empty JSON object:

js_dict = {};


Cast a value into a JSON array.

Usage: json_array(<string or expression to cast to json array>)

For example:

js_list = json_array(["first_element", "second_element", "third_element"]);

Starting with version 4.9, you can use [] without the json_array() keyword as well. For example, the following creates an empty JSON list:

js_dict = [];


Returns the top-level keys of a dictionary. This provides a simple way to inspect or iterate over the immediate keys without traversing the structure. The keys() function:

  • Returns a list of dictionary keys as an array.
  • Includes only the top-level keys, ignoring nested structures.
  • The resulting array supports immediate indexing for quick key retrieval.
  • When called on an empty dictionary, keys returns an empty dictionary ([]).

For example:

dict = {"level1-key1":{"level2-key1":{"level3-key1":"value1"}},"level1-key2":{"level2-key2":{"level3-key2":"value2"}}};

# accessing the top level, returns: ["level1-key1", "level1-key2"]
a = keys(dict);

# accessing nested levels directly, returns: ["level2-key1"]
b = keys(dict["level1-key1"]);

# directly index the result of keys() to access specific keys is possible, returns: ["level1-key1"])
c = keys(dict)[0];


Returns the number of items in an object as an integer: the length (number of characters) of a string, the number of elements in a list, or the number of keys in an object.

Usage: len(object)


Loads variables from a dict. It’s the inverse of vars(). It loads and declares FilterX-level variables. If a key in the dict begins with the $ character, it’s loaded as an AxoSyslog macro. This function can be used to transfer several variables between FilterX blocks on different log paths and messages.


Converts all characters of a string lowercase characters.

Usage: lower(string)


Convert key-values to metric labels directly. For details, see metrics_labels.


Creates a dictionary represented as an OpenTelemetry array.


Creates a dictionary represented as an OpenTelemetry key-value list.


Creates an OpenTelemetry log record object.


Creates an OpenTelemetry resource object.


Creates an OpenTelemetry scope object.


Split a comma-separated or similar string.

Usage: parse_csv(msg_str [columns=json_array, delimiter=string, string_delimiters=json_array, dialect=string, strip_whitespace=boolean, greedy=boolean])

For details, see Comma-separated values.


Split a string consisting of whitespace or comma-separated key=value pairs (for example, WELF-formatted messages).

Usage: parse_kv(msg, value_separator="=", pair_separator=", ", stray_words_key="stray_words")

The value_separator must be a single character. The pair_separator can consist of multiple characters.

For details, see key=value pairs.


Parse a LEEF-formatted string.

Usage: parse_leef(msg)

For details, see LEEF.


Parse an XML object into a JSON object.

Usage: parse_xml(msg)

For details, see /axosyslog-core-docs/filterx/filterx-parsing/xml/


Parses a Windows Event Log XML object into a JSON object.

Usage: parse_xml(msg)

For details, see /axosyslog-core-docs/filterx/filterx-parsing/xml/

Searches a string and returns the matches of a regular expression as a list or a dictionary. If there are no matches, the result is empty.

Usage: regexp_search("<string-to-search>", <regular-expression>, <optional-flags=flag_value>)

For example:

# ${MESSAGE} = "ERROR: Sample error message string"
my-variable = regexp_search(${MESSAGE}, "ERROR");

You can also use unnamed match groups (()) and named match groups ((?<first>ERROR)(?<second>message)).

Note the following points:

  • Regular expressions are case sensitive by default. For case insensitive matches, add (?i) to the beginning of your pattern.
  • You can use regexp constants (slash-enclosed regexps) within FilterX blocks to simplify escaping special characters, for example, /^beginning and end$/.
  • FilterX regular expressions are interpreted in “leave the backslash alone mode”, meaning that a backslash in a string before something that doesn’t need to be escaped and will be interpreted as a literal backslash character. For example, string\more-string is equivalent to string\\more-string.


You can use the following optional flags in regexp_search:

  • keep_zero: Always return the zero match group. Available in version 4.10 and later. Default value: false

  • list_mode: Return results as a list. Available in version 4.10 and later. Default value: false

    If the result is an existing dict or list object, the function respects the type of the object, even if list_mode is set to true.

Unnamed match groups

${MY-LIST} = json(); # Creates an empty JSON object
${MY-LIST}.unnamed = regexp_search("first-word second-part third", /(first-word)(second-part)(third)/);

${MY-LIST}.unnamed is a list containing: ["first-word second-part third", "first-word", "second-part", "third"],

Named match groups

${MY-LIST} = json(); # Creates an empty JSON object
${MY-LIST}.named = regexp_search("first-word second-part third", /(?<one>first-word)(?<two>second-part)(?<three>third)/);

${MY-LIST}.named is a dictionary with the names of the match groups as keys, and the corresponding matches as values: {"0": "first-word second-part third", "one": "first-word", "two": "second-part", "three": "third"},

Mixed match groups

If you use mixed (some named, some unnamed) groups in your regular expression, the output is a dictionary, where AxoSyslog automatically assigns a key to the unnamed groups. For example:

${MY-LIST} = json(); # Creates an empty JSON object
${MY-LIST}.mixed = regexp_search("first-word second-part third", /(?<one>first-word)(second-part)(?<three>third)/);

${MY-LIST}.mixed is: {"0": "first-word second-part third", "first": "first-word", "2": "second-part", "three": "third"}


Rewrites a string using regular expressions. This function implements the subst rewrite rule functionality.

Usage: regexp_subst(<input-string>, <pattern-to-find>, <replacement>, flags

The following example replaces the first IP in the text of the message with the IP-Address string.

regexp_subst(${MESSAGE}, "IP", "IP-Address");

To replace every occurrence, use the global=true flag:

regexp_subst(${MESSAGE}, "IP", "IP-Address", global=true);

Note the following points:

  • Regular expressions are case sensitive by default. For case insensitive matches, add (?i) to the beginning of your pattern.
  • You can use regexp constants (slash-enclosed regexps) within FilterX blocks to simplify escaping special characters, for example, /^beginning and end$/.
  • FilterX regular expressions are interpreted in “leave the backslash alone mode”, meaning that a backslash in a string before something that doesn’t need to be escaped and will be interpreted as a literal backslash character. For example, string\more-string is equivalent to string\\more-string.

Starting with version 4.10 substitution match groups is enabled by default (use the groups=false flag to disable that if needed). You can reference match group indexes up to 999.

result = regex_subst("baz,foo,bar", /(\w+),(\w+),(\w+)/, "\\2 \\03 \\1")


You can use the following flags with the regexp_subst function:

  • global=true:

    Replace every match of the regular expression, not only the first one.

  • groups=false:

    Disable substituting match groups. Available in version 4.10 and later.

  • ignorecase=true:

    Do case insensitive match.

  • jit=true:

    Enable just-in-time compilation function for PCRE regular expressions.

  • newline=true:

    When configured, it changes the newline definition used in PCRE regular expressions to accept either of the following:

    • a single carriage-return
    • linefeed
    • the sequence carriage-return and linefeed (\\r, \\n and \\r\\n, respectively)

    This newline definition is used when the circumflex and dollar patterns (^ and $) are matched against an input. By default, PCRE interprets the linefeed character as indicating the end of a line. It does not affect the \\r, \\n or \\R characters used in patterns.

  • utf8=true:

    Use Unicode support for UTF-8 matches: UTF-8 character sequences are handled as single characters.


Takes a dict and sets multiple fields in it with overrides or defaults (overrides and defaults are optional parameters).

The overrides and defaults parameters are also dicts, where:

  • the key is the field’s name

  • the value is either an expression, or a list of expressions.

    If a list is provided, each expression will be evaluated, and the first successful, non-null one is set as the respective field’s value. This is similar to chaining null-coalescing (??) operators, but has better performance.

overrides are always processed for each field. The defaults for a field are only processed isn’t set or is empty.

For example:

    "": [service_name, "axosyslog"],
    "": pid,
    "": [host_name, "localhost"],

The overrides are equivalent with:

labels[""] =?? service_name ?? "axosyslog";
labels[""] =?? pid;

While the defaults section is equivalent with:

if (not isset(labels[""])) {
  labels[""] =?? host_name ?? "localhost";

But using set_fields is more readable and has better performance.


Available in AxoSyslog 4.9 and later.

Returns true if the input string begins with the specified substring. By default, matches are case sensitive. Usage:

startswith(input-string, substring);
startswith(input-string, [substring_1, substring_2], ignorecase=true);

For details, see String search in FilterX.


Cast a value into a string. Note that currently AxoSyslog evaluates strings and executes template functions and template expressions within the strings. In the future, template evaluation will be moved to a separate FilterX function.

Usage: string(<string or expression to cast>)

For example:

myvariable = string(${LEVEL_NUM});

Sometimes you have to explicitly cast values to strings, for example, when you want to concatenate them into a message using the + operator.


Available in AxoSyslog 4.10 and later.

Format datetime values using the specified format string.

Usage: strftime("format_string", <value-or-variable-to-format>);

For example:

mydate = strptime("2024-04-10T08:09:10Z", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z");

${MESSAGE} = strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S %z", my-date);

You can use the following format codes in the format string:

  • %a: The locale’s abbreviated weekday name.

  • %A: The locale’s full weekday name.

  • %b: The locale’s abbreviated month name.

  • %B: The locale’s full month name.

  • %c: The locale’s appropriate date and time representation.

  • %C: The year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer, as a decimal number.

  • %d: The day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].

  • %D: Equivalent to %m / %d / %y.

  • %e: The day of the month as a decimal number [1,31]; a single digit is preceded by a space.

  • %f: Fraction of the second (with or without a leading dot). Width specifies precision, %6f means microseconds, %3f means milliseconds, %9f means nanoseconds. %f just means microseconds.

  • %F: Equivalent to %+4Y-%m-%d.

  • %g: The last 2 digits of the week-based year (see below) as a decimal number [00,99].

  • %G: The week-based year (see below) as a decimal number (for example, 1977).

  • %h: Equivalent to %b.

  • %H: The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23].

  • %I: The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,12].

  • %j: The day of the year as a decimal number [001,366].

  • %m: The month as a decimal number [01,12].

  • %M: The minute as a decimal number [00,59].

  • %n: A <newline>.

  • %p: The locale’s equivalent of either a.m. or p.m.

  • %r: The time in a.m. and p.m. notation.

  • %R: The time in 24-hour notation ( %H : %M ).

  • %S: The second as a decimal number [00,60].

  • %t: A <tab>.

  • %T: The time (%H : %M : %S).

  • %u: The weekday as a decimal number [1,7], with 1 representing Monday.

  • %U: The week number of the year as a decimal number [00,53]. The first Sunday of January is the first day of week 1; days in the new year before this are in week 0.

  • %V: The week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [01,53]. If the week containing 1 January has four or more days in the new year, then it is considered week 1. Otherwise, it is the last week of the previous year, and the next week is week 1. Both January 4th and the first Thursday of January are always in week 1.

  • %w: The weekday as a decimal number [0,6], with 0 representing Sunday.

  • %W: The week number of the year as a decimal number [00,53]. The first Monday of January is the first day of week 1; days in the new year before this are in week 0.

  • %x: The locale’s appropriate date representation.

  • %X: The locale’s appropriate time representation.

  • %y: The last two digits of the year as a decimal number [00,99].

  • %Y: The year as a decimal number (for example, 1997).

  • %z: The offset from UTC in the ISO 8601:2000 standard format ( +hhmm or -hhmm ), or by no characters if no timezone is determinable

  • %Z: Same as %z , but with the : separator (-hh:mm or +hh:mm)


Creates a datetime object from a string, similarly to the date-parser(). The first argument is the string containing the date. The second argument is a format string that specifies how to parse the date string. Optionally, you can specify additional format strings that are applied in order if the previous one doesn’t match the date string.

Usage: strptime(time_str, format_str_1, ..., format_str_N)

For example:

${MESSAGE} = strptime("2024-04-10T08:09:10Z", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z");

You can use the following format codes in the format string:

  • %a: The day of week, using the locale’s weekday names. Either the abbreviated or full name may be specified.
  • %A: Same as %a.
  • %b: The month, using the locale’s month names. Either the abbreviated or full name may be specified.
  • %B: The same as %b.
  • %c: The date and time, using the locale’s date and time format.
  • %C: The century number [0,99]. Leading zeros are permitted but not required. This conversion should be used in conjunction with the %y conversion.
  • %d: The day of month [1,31]. Leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %D: The date as %m/%d/%y.
  • %e: The same as %d.
  • %F: The date as %Y-%m-%d (the ISO 8601 date format).
  • %g: The year corresponding to the ISO week number, without the century. (A NetBSD extension.)
  • %G: The year corresponding to the ISO week number, with the century. (A NetBSD extension.)
  • %h: The same as %b.
  • %H: The hour (24-hour clock) [0,23]. Leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %I: The hour (12-hour clock) [1,12]. Leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %j: The day number of the year [1,366]. Leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %k: The same as %H.
  • %l: The same as %I.
  • %m: The month number [1,12]. Leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %M: The minute [0,59]. Leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %n: Any white-space, including none.
  • %p: The locale’s equivalent of a.m. or p.m.
  • %r: The time (12-hour clock) with %p, using the locale’s time format.
  • %R: The time as %H:%M.
  • %S: The seconds [0,60]. Leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %s: The number of seconds since the Epoch, UTC (see mktime(3)). (A NetBSD extension.)
  • %f: Fraction of the second (with or without a leading dot).
  • %t: Any white-space, including none.
  • %T: The time as %H:%M:%S.
  • %u: The day of the week as a decimal number, where Monday = 1. (A NetBSD extension.)
  • %U: The week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [0,53]. Leading zeros are permitted but not required. All days in a year preceding the first Sunday are considered to be in week 0.
  • %V: The ISO 8601:1988 week number as a decimal number. If the week (starting on Monday) that contains January 1 has more than three days in the new year, then it is considered the first week of the year. If it has fewer than four days in the new year, then it is considered the last week of the previous year. Weeks are numbered from 1 to 53. (A NetBSD extension.)
  • %w: The weekday as a decimal number [0,6], with 0 representing Sunday. Leading zeros are permitted but not required.
  • %W: The week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [0,53]. Leading zeros are permitted but not required. All days in a year preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0.
  • %x: The date, using the locale’s date format.
  • %X: The time, using the locale’s time format.
  • %y: The year within the 20th century [69,99] or the 21st century [0,68]. Leading zeros are permitted but not required. If specified in conjunction with %C, specifies the year [0,99] within that century.
  • %Y: The year, including the century (i.e., 1996).
  • %Z: Timezone in ascii format (for example, PST), or in format -/+0000, accepts : in the middle of timezones (ISO 8601)
  • %z: Timezone in ascii format (for example, PST), or in format -/+0000, accepts : in the middle of timezones (ISO 8601) (Required element)
  • %%: matches a literal %. No argument is converted.

For example, for the date 01/Jan/2016:13:05:05 PST use the following format string: "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %Z"

The isodate FilterX function is a specialized variant of strptime, that accepts only a fixed format.


Deletes a variable, a name-value pair, or a key in a complex object (like JSON), for example: unset(${<name-value-pair-to-unset>});

You can also list multiple values to delete: unset(${<first-name-value-pair-to-unset>}, ${<second-name-value-pair-to-unset>});

See also Delete values.


Deletes (unsets) the empty fields of an object, for example, a JSON object or list. By default, the object is processed recursively, so the empty values are deleted from inner dicts and lists as well. If you set the replacement option, you can also use this function to replace fields of the object to custom values.

Usage: unset_empties(object, options)

The unset_empties() function has the following options:

  • ignorecase: Set to true to perform case-insensitive matching. Default value: false. Available in AxoSyslog 4.9 and later, default changed to false in version 4.10.
  • recursive: Enables recursive processing of nested dictionaries. Default value: true
  • replacement: Replace the target elements with the value of replacement instead of removing them. Available in AxoSyslog 4.9 and later.
  • targets: A list of elements to remove or replace. Default value: ["", null, [], {}]. Available in AxoSyslog 4.9 and later.

For example, to remove the fields with - and N/A values, you can use

unset_empties(input_object, targets=["-", "N/A"], ignorecase=false);


Updates a labeled metric counter, similarly to the metrics-probe() parser. For details, see Metrics.


Converts all characters of a string uppercase characters.

Usage: upper(string)


Returns the variables (including pipeline variables and name-value pairs) defined in the FilterX block as a JSON object. The names of name-value pairs begins with the $ character. To exclude name-value pairs, set the exclude_msg_values=true flag.

For example:

filterx {
  ${logmsg_variable} = "foo";
  local_variable = "bar";
  declare pipeline_level_variable = "baz";
  ${MESSAGE} = vars();

The value of ${MESSAGE} will be: {"$logmsg_variable":"foo","pipeline_level_variable":"baz"}